
New Moon and Equinox Energies Invite Healing and Hands-On Collaboration

This astrology video for the September 2017 New Moon and the September 22, 2017 Autumnal Equinox is a potent blend of individual healing and getting ready to be of service to the Whole. Worth a listen if you’d like to be more aware of how you can be in alignment with pervasive energy and the evolution of your own truth as it emerges more and more.

Collective Manifestation by Melissa Wadsworth provides a vision in which fully-engaged individuals unite their unlimited potential to lead, create, connect, innovate and contribute to the whole of humanity for remarkable transformation and global change.

Designing Intentional Community

The new intentional community movement is on! Here are great resources for sustainable and smaller-footprint homes (tiny homes, too) and shared community spaces. The small and tiny home design innovators in this field are opening up the possibilities. What do … Continue reading