3 Ways Human Interaction Becomes the Mother of All Creation!

Humans ARE creative energy. Humans are creation itself. We are each individually “the Mother of all Creation.” Together, through intentional heart-based interaction, we may engage mindfully in collective manifestation. With imagination, intuition, curiosity and leaps of faith we may birth new perspectives, new … Continue reading

Healing Our “Nasty” Rape Culture and Disease of Sexism Together

So many women, and men, are being triggered by the national conversation around sexism, sexual assault and the rape culture that pervades all aspects of society here in the United States and, I suspect, worldwide. What was denied and ignored … Continue reading

Why Your Life Matters to All of Humanity

We tend to experience existence, our daily being-ness, as separate from others and the greater manifested world. From this sense of being separate, and apart from, it is very easy to get overwhelmed and to doubt one’s influence on the … Continue reading


Favorite The Magic That Is Needed to Change the Collective Narrative

This is a  wonderful short video featuring Sufi mystic and teacher Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee. He speaks very gently about the need to change humanity’s narrative, a narrative of earthly destruction and the entrancement of consumerism. The new story he speaks to is about inner entrancement that can match the pull of our outer entrancement. Significant change in the outer world must start by connecting to the magic of our inner world.

Please watch and enjoy.

This is a message I speak to in Collective Manifestation. I include five paths to intuitive knowing to encourage readers to develop the ability to play with manifestation from the unseen world of energy, focused from their heart-mind. As long as we push pieces around on the surface of life, there will be power plays and competition for what is “seen.” By delving into the connected abundance of our inner worlds we can come into collaboration and into high creativity to address our global issues and to bring magic into our lives.

Much love and light, Melissa

Melissa Wadsworth is an author, speaker, intentional community enthusiast, and change catalyst. The founder of Brilliance Unlimited and New Village 22, Melissa has dedicated her life to exploring consciousness, expanding spirit-driven creativity and fostering authentic co-leaders. Read the first chapter of her book at, Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.

How are you aligning your energy?

You embody precious energy. You extend and connect this YOU energy each time you align with a person, a project, an opinion, a choice. So how conscious are you about aligning your energy in a way that is positive rather … Continue reading

Plant Seeds for Realizations That Manifest Throughout This 2015 New Year

At a time in which people typically set intentions about what they will STOP doing … BE a FORCE for good, for opening to your true power. What you personally intend can have a huge ripple effect in your life … Continue reading

7 Vital Aspects to Collective Manifestation

Collective Manifestation is a different experience from individual manifestation. Whereas the individual exerts the force of personal will, and engages the power of singular vision in law-of-attraction type manifestation, collective manifestation is a different experience. Here are some points to … Continue reading

The New Dance of Collective Manifestation

True conscious Collective Manifestation begins with the recognition that this is new; we haven’t really tried to do this dance before. We’re very used to running our independent agendas; we have varying experience making our own dreams come true. Yet, … Continue reading

Collective Manifestation Launches with Bonus Gifts Today

Collective Manifestation Envisions New Era of Creativity and Unity Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community, a nonfiction book by law of attraction expert and certified dream coach Melissa Wadsworth launches today, October 9, 2014, with bonus gifts for … Continue reading