New Ways of Being: Activations for the Month of February 2022

The energies of this month have and continue to be revolutionary in nature as they work to deeply dissolve the distortions and illusions of the past.  Today marks the final activation of the 2222 energy for this month.  The energy is now flooding through our spiritual body initiating a profound expansion and a rebalancing of our entire energetic structure.  With this rebalancing we may question our beliefs, what we stand for and who we intrinsically are as we are opening to new ways of being. Currently your energy field is expanding beyond that which is known and into a space of greater awareness.  With this expansion aspects of your soul which have lain dormant for eons will be activated creating a reconnection and a reconfiguration of your energy field.  Be mindful that the arrangement of your energetic structure is changing, and you will have to adjust to this new space.  If you are sensitive to energy, you may feel lots of movement in and around your body as your energy field adapts and settles.  Have courage and continue to expand.

© 2022 Kate Spreckley

Final Activation of 2222 for this Month | Spirit Pathways (

My Personal Experience of the Shifts of February 2022

So often we might read of significant shift points for humanity and not understand how it applies to us, one’s individual life. This month I noted the dates and shifting dynamics of our energy fields. Always I have felt that the personal IS collective. What I shift for self in terms of the frequency I hold, contributes to the shift that humanity makes as a unified field of frequency. We each matter more than we can comprehend.

For February 2022 (my birthday month) I decided to note and sense into the emotional, physical and mental and etheric energy shifts of this month. I intended to stay mindful that each date was a portal for new potential – a doorway into a new insight, a release of a long-held frequency around a memory, a purification of a childhood trauma, a potential reversal even of how I relate to the past, present or future.

Numerically the important dates for February 2022 are:

  • Feb 2nd: emotional body clearing and activation of new Heart potential – I forgive self for my shadow patterns and tendencies. I reassert my intention to stay in my own emotional lane (like a theme song I love. (For me, the song of the sparrow is a favorite uplifting sound). I express to my husband how in the past, I have not been aligned to my emotional truth. I feel into the challenge of loving those we may not like or feel welcomed by. I surrender my heart to Source as a sacred vehicle of divine purpose.
  • Feb 11: physical body clearing and activation of new Cellular potential – All month I have been cleansing my diet and physical system. Simplifying food choices and noticing what feels like the right nutrition for my Now body. I create an intuitive dream board that shows that the spinal column is a multi-dimensional system of portals or gateways of the new human frequency framework. It enables us to be able to hold higher nutritional life-force light. It holds carries a pure electrical imprint pulse of one’s Higher Self vibrational light stream.
  • Feb 20 mental body clearing and activation of new Mind potential – I have a breakthrough in thinking about my father. I can see more clearly what he was here to experience and to learn. For the first time ever, I can consider his life without emotion. I can appreciate how challenging his life path was for the first time (without it needing to relate to me) and see him from a centered observer viewpoint.
  • Feb 22 Etheric body clearing and activation of Expanded Spirit – With this Spiritual body shift, I am sensing a new I AM container or home base for spirit expansion

Last night I dreamt that I was a realtor showing a woman a home in my childhood neighborhood. Suddenly, I realize that the home I am showing her, is my childhood home! We are on the ground floor and there is the green shag carpeting and there are still mementos on the walls — photos and special childhood recognitions/certificates of achievement.

Just as I try to get my bearings, to remember the layout of this home is, the house painters prime right over the photos and mementos. The flooring changes to neutral-colored flooring. When I go upstairs, all has already been fully transformed. Part of me wishes that I could put myself back into the childhood “reality,” or realty. Yet, it is impossible. I take a few cloudy photos knowing that what I remembered no longer exists! This feels a bit bittersweet yet so calming.

I am left feeling whole. My emotional, physical, mental and spiritual bodies fully cooperating as One body of light for the good of Collective Manifestation of a new world order in which All works for All, in which feminine and masculine energies are expressed in balance, in which the Heart leads.

Love is the answer at each level of consciousness. In its unified fullness all creativity and all creations are containers for Love Expression. And, what a wonderful world that potential portends!!

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community. 





Collective Manifestation: Creating from Love Intention!

Photo by Melissa Wadsworth

Why create? 

Because Love wants to be expressed,

Just as you are an expression of Love Divine, your true nature is to create from Love. Your true inner nature is to radiate your energy outward, to choose your focus from a point of pure light that wants to beam through your signature vibration and all the ways that can be expressed.

Let Love be Your Start. Let Love Be the Intention. Emanate that!

We only have true power over the beginning of our creation – the vibrational spark of Love Intention. Where it ultimately leads, how it expands, and who picks up the creative thread is not up to us. We can only create from Love Intent – trusting in the Divine power of that Love to express itself perfectly in the World.

Each time we choose Love as our starting point, we more consciously create from our true divine nature.

There will be outcomes we can’t foresee or predict. There will be variations on Love sparks from other people that we align with or not. We make our own conscious (or not) co-creative choices during our part of the creative process, realizing that it IS ever expanding.

Sometimes, we perhaps pick up where ancestors left off – or pick up an unfulfilled dream. Sometimes we tune into a creative impulse that was been energetically seeded in the collective mental field. All is part of the mystery and magic of creating from love. Where the ego limits, the heart connects.

Our individual energetic blueprints direct our energy down specific avenues of creative possibility that get expressed in various amazing ways. Some avenues will be artistic, architectural or technical in nature. Others will be scientific, agricultural or civic based. This is true whether we are creating as an individual or as a group or a collective. Through Love Intention, we align our true essences and interests, intersecting at heart. We align where our gifts and talents can expand to do the most good. Love emanates around the world in billions of different ways that are a variation on a theme: Love freed (from old paradigm constraints, from mental controls, from unconscious conditioning, etc.).

Often, we are frustrated by the limitations we perceive – whether that be social, cultural or personal limits. Yet, from such limitations, ingenuity rises. Guided focus due to specific circumstance or greatest need is the field where inventions and solutions appear.

Love helps us to create from a fresh point of origin, rather than recycling all the unconscious garbage of conditioning from our past. That matters greatly to where humanity is headed. And, as we create from Fresh Love Emanations, we experience a greater sense of oneness. Love naturally aligns itself to best outlets and energy streams.

Love is the ultimate expanding nature of Source, so we must learn to align to this force in order to keep expanding the Earthly Play of which we take part. We are UP-ing our Game by shifting into our Higher Nature of Love. Love is no longer fear-related ─ fear of losing love, of not finding love, of not feeling love, of not realizing that we are love. We begin now to remember that we are unlimited creators because that is our God Nature bequeathed to us in Love. In all things a spark (blueprint) of God Divine lives to guide the creative process that is an infinite game/play of Love.

When we truly believe in God’s Love Nature we will no long fear God or ourselves. When we truly experience within ourselves God Love, we will explode into a million different fragments of Love Divine that floods our Beingness with Ecstasy at the wonder of it all. That which is given in Love and begun in Love can be no other than Love, no matter what it looks like to the human brain. When we have more practice seeing, tasting, touching, hearing and knowing from our Love Mind, we will experience stimuli much differently.

When we truly understand the expansive nature of Love, then All will Flower in Front of Us as Love. Begin with an intention of love and all that you are and do naturally expands beyond imagination, beyond mere effort. When we begin with an intention of love all that follows holds that potent seed of manifestation.

Believe. Trust. Create for Self and All Beings. Welcome to Your Love Nature!

New Year 2022: 3 Intentions for Expansion of Collective Consciousness

After the intensity of old stories coming up for us to be aware of and clear in the last few years, we arrive at 2022 as upgraded human vehicles. As light vehicles, we are increasingly able to hold steady and to transmit higher frequencies that benefit self and the collective.

In meditation with members of Village 22 – our quantum field – each new and full moon we have been setting intentions for the collective evolution of consciousness since 2012!

The most recent intentions kick off 2022 with both Big Picture Awareness and Focus. The 3 Intentions that came through our meditation on the January 2, 2022 New Moon were:

  1. Intention that Self-Love be our new orientation point – Self Love is the necessary foundation from which true unconditional love for All can flower from our connected hearts. This intention feels aligned to Divine Heart Expansion on Earth.
  2. Intention to observe life in its fullness. This transmission included the following: “Only the shallow mind sees only from opposites: right/wrong, left/right, fact/faith, etc. From a heart of wholeness, one appreciates the creative value of all perspectives. The seeming opposites provide richness. When expressed with an open heart they need not be divisive, they can co-exist…there is a place at the table for All to see differently. That is the work of the World ─ to include rather than exclude, to find new ways of blending the best of all things. To land at the harmonious point/or crossroads. Allow others to come into their fullness in their own way, in their own timing. Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All Beings. Amen.” This Intention aligns to Divine Mind Expansion that is vertical.
  3. Intention to bring Divine Heart into all physical endeavors and daily focuses. In this way, our focus, and the steps and tasks related to our focus, reflect the true beauty and ease of Divine Creation. By bringing Divine Heart into each point of focus our Divine Physical Vibration Expands, and that vibration feeds the Collective Field of Consciousness.

Each of these intentions serves both our individual self and our collective manifestations. Together, this trinity of intention provides a stable foundation for manifesting a better world and for transitioning into a more heart-based reality in each moment.

2022 is the year to play with creating and manifesting from our true wholeness: Our Divine Heart-Mind-Body. 

As we progress through the year, notice how you are gently being fed with new inspiration, new motivation, and new steps that reflect Heart-Mind-Body as One Unified force for good in service to all. This is the 5D experience of life.

So even though some people may have “peak experiences” that awaken them to new perspectives and new ways of being, eventually even these experiences will begin to feel more normal, rather than like some outstanding moment of consciousness that is very different from one’s waking consciousness. That’s the thing about consciousness, once we are more conscious, then that becomes the new normal that is no longer so joltingly different.

What once felt like separate fields of consciousness: mind, emotions, and body now dance together as one spirit-led presence expressing itself. Enjoy the unfolding adventure, the new sense of balance and wholeness that is yours to experience as an “upgraded” human vehicle.

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.

2 Sides of a Coin – Perspective Shifts in Collective Consciousness

It used to be that I thought the term “two sides to a coin” referred to self-referenced perspective and perspective of others. In a world that uses mostly logic, rather than abstraction, to describe how the human mind works, this makes sense. According to this example, we should understand that there is our view of the world/an incident/person and then there is their view of the same world/incident/person. While this can seem true at a surface level, energetically there are subtler levels of distinction in consciousness at play.

I recently had an experience of consciousness that has led me to believe that the two sides of the coin are this: Consciousness and Unconsciousness.

Both sides of the coin are perception through the lens or filter of an individual mind, yet are vastly different in how they connect to others.

In Unconsciousness, our view is the victim view. Things are done to us. We have good reasons to be angry. We are separate from others. Our perspective is the correct one. Reactions are fear-based. The individual cannot and will not correct mistakes, or even admit to them. Any sense of apology comes from the small human mind – often based in shame/blame game ─ rather than from one’s heart, which may be closed in protection. In unconscious I get stuck in circular thinking. Power comes from outside oneself. How to play the power game is a surface life game. A game of moving pieces.

In Consciousness, our view is The Big Picture view. We acknowledge that we are in truth not energetically separate from others, we exist in One Field of Creation. From this bigger perspective we can see how our actions, world events or local conditions affect others. We can apologize from the heart-mind, from a heart that is willing to open and be vulnerable. The conscious perspective is inclusive of others. In consciousness I can raise my head up from the inner/outer turbulence and see with more clarity the true dynamics at play. This perspective recognizes the ease in which one can correct one’s mistakes of perception, can ask for Grace from others and is able to Receive Grace. In consciousness we can remind ourselves that we are a vehicle for divine will and love, so our power always comes from within.

So when issues arise with others, we can always pause to ask ourselves: “Am I in consciousness or being unconscious?”

The power of the relationship mirror

What I have been experiencing in my relationships is that I can now see how all “issues” come back to something I am needing to see in myself.

In the past I might have thought: “Those are their issues that they need to deal with!” or “I have legitimate reasons to be annoyed…here is my list!” Ha!! Now when I look at my list of grievances, I see that all point back to an issue of unreleased trauma within myself — I can much more easily see when I “project” my frustrations (within self) on to another.

This makes it possible to see that there is No One to Blame for anything. There are no 2 sides to a coin, both sides are One ─ me the conscious one and me the unconscious one.

In truth, there is only that which needs to be seen, processed and integrated as new consciousness.  This level of awareness takes away any victim stories for the script of the movie I am living. This is hugely humbling and empowering at the same time!

We often think that breakthroughs in consciousness are going to be these monumental experiences. Yet, this breakthrough of perspective felt normal, like an ordinary thing and yet I know that it is extraordinary compared to my old thinking patterns of perspective and reaction.

Healing the Collective by Healing Self

This experience may indicate what is shifting in collective consciousness at this pivotal time, and how it can be easy to shift when we stay humble and notice when the ego reacting. Then we can choose to step into our Higher Self and respond in more conscious wholeness and with more heart.

Then we realize we are a consciousness field. We are the field of experience we project through the filter of our minds. We connect with other mental filters to create a movie of experience. When our minds also reflect our hearts we bring healing, harmony and balance into the world of our experience.

In consciousness we can perceive how all experiences, individual and collective, arise from how we filter the data or information we receive. From an open heart of evolved consciousness, we realize all can be corrected, resolved and healed in love. From a closed heart (of fear, of righteousness, of power) nothing can truly be healed. From victim consciousness we only have access to a tiny part of the consciousness spectrum.

It all begins with the intention to be more open hearted and to evolve one’s consciousness.

So let us choose to be the open hearts through which All experience in this world flows. Let us stand together as the humble and joyful doorways for Love and Grace. For Peace and Harmony. Such liberation of consciousness leaves us open to receive greater consciousness breakthroughs. And, what a golden gift of liberation that is for ALL!

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community. 

Living the Virtue of Acceptance: An interview with Sarah Taylor

Sarah Taylor is the face of radiant acceptance.









I have always counted myself lucky to have met so many wonderful people in my life. Each friend has qualities that I admire and that the world needs to a great degree – like kindness, perseverance, creativity, integrity, imagination, compassion, open-mindedness, intuition, collaboration, understanding.

More and more I am understanding how each virtue, each value, that we each are able to embody personally has a huge influence on the collective.

Sarah Taylor fully embodies the gift of ACCEPTANCE. I think of it as one of her superpowers. A year and a half ago she was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer. Yet, she has not spent any time in fear about this. In fact, her first reaction was to feel grateful for her life.

In addition to gratitude, at each stage of this process she takes a “your never know what will happen next” approach to this diagnosis. She stays open to the possibility of miracles, while fully accepting that this current incarnation may be near it’s end. She is able to hold in balance within herself both possibility and probability with no apparent tension. No tears for herself, only for the sadness of friends and family as they deal with the possible loss of her physical presence.

Observing her moving through a tough diagnosis with such grace, I’ve come to see acceptance as her superpower. She is modeling how to be present rather than living in fear of the unknown, of her human mortality. She is showing friends and family how to be full of joy and love no matter what the circumstance. She is a testament to the idea that it’s not our outward circumstances that create our reality – rather it is our inward response to those circumstances that creates reality.

Human potential enthralls me and nothing is more wonderful than seeing it embodied with such love. I see Sarah in her wholeness as a beacon that those of us still holding fear can follow. She illuminates the safe core of acceptance.

I am imaging a world full of acceptance, full of such grace. What a difference that would make to our collective reality. No more fighting what is unfightable. No more judgements of what is different from you. No more angst around the unknowable. Self-love as the norm. Calm, joyful acceptance in the moment. Thank you Sarah for being a heart-centered teacher of the power of acceptance. Thank you Sarah for radiating your brilliance always.

Here is a link to our video conversation:

To learn more about Sarah’s remarkable journey go to her YouTube channel.

Be Here Now! – YouTube

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.

Embracing Diversity of Participation as We Co-Create Change

Episode 71. BEST IN CLIMATE: Melissa Wadsworth: Dear Radiant Friends

Eaarth Feels : Episode 71. BEST IN CLIMATE: Melissa Wadsworth: Dear Radiant Friends

Posted by Eaarth Feels on Monday, June 15, 2020

Rose Tenaglia Dunn hosts soul-based conversations about climate change that explore the idea that climate change (and change in general) is happening for us to respond in a more awakened manner to our stewardship of the planet and our responsibilities for one another. She is a mother who cares passionately about the world we are leaving to future generations. Listen to this conversation of Eaarth Feels.

In this podcast #71 she focuses on the different ways that humanity, in all its wonderful diversity, can co-create a better world out of our current opportunity to address systemic racism. She reads a newsletter by Collective Manifestation author Melissa Wadsworth about possible ways to respond effectively utilizing one’s most effective and natural change-making style. We all have ways to contribute to the new paradigm we are building.

Change can arise out of different consciousness expressions.

  • The Impetus for change processes through mental paradigms – structural mental blueprints and ideas, fresh discussions and acquired knowledge, plans, research, and proposed roadmaps for change. What do we mindfully keep from the old systems and what do we release? We each decide what our mental input and processing is. Ask yourself: “What imagination, ingenuity and knowledge can I/we use to create change?”
  • Personal and collective change can arise out of new emotional paradigms steeped in compassionate response, passion, and the heart-based support of other people. Emotional resiliency is critical to sustaining one’s emotional resources. We can make critical decisions and focus our emotional energy on the world we envision creating together. Emotion is the fuel for change. Ask yourself: “How far can I open my heart to what works for all?”
  • The most visible aspects of personal and collective change arise out of movements, activism, protest, and hands-on physical actions that show how much support there is for change, and the collective’s willingness to dive right in. It is the visible demonstration of where energy is landing in the world. We each can model change through our actions. How do we show up for change?
  • Collective Change always arises out of collective human consciousness and the potential for our evolution at all levels of being-ness. This invisible energy is the foundation of the new world. It is clear intention, divine inspiration, expanded imagination, and astounding realizations of possibility due to perspective shifts. It is here that we holding energetic evolved space for expansion of possibility. We are each the energetic ground that receives and seeds and nurtures, in the human form, higher expressions of human potential. What are you seeding for a better tomorrow?

Collective Manifestation is always happening. Our new opportunity is to be more conscious co-creators. To know that out of the One Field of energy Humanity emerges as bright points of diversity, and that from this diversity the impulse to Oneness lives. What is the highest expression of humanity we can imagine and BE?


Favorite Engaging Our Collective Radical Imagination

Photo by Anika Huizinga on Unsplash

I had a dream that I was back on my college campus. At first my consciousness reacted with: “Been here, done that.” But then I realized this was in India. And, even though in waking life I’ve never been to India, my consciousness responded in a renewed way, with enthusiasm: “I love India!” There were steep stairways leading up into the building entrances. From inside the buildings, looking through huge windows, I could see the moon in more dimensional detail than I’ve ever seen it. I could see the Domes of beautiful buildings. I wanted to be able to see even more!

Upon awaking, I realized that my dream was all about higher learning, and getting more clarity, during this time of shifting perspectives. It was about getting newly excited about life and new possibilities! It was pointing toward the need for greater Imagination. There was even a dream scene in which all the plants and trees were upside down and I wondered, “how does the water stay in?” What new viewpoints are available to us right now that have never been available to our consciousness before?

How might our world work better, even when our logic says it’s impossible to work in the way proposed or newly imagined? Only imagination can engage true potential at the beginning stages of change. Logic tends to keep thing going along a familiar track; imagination enables expansion – the taking of an entirely new track. Expansion beyond what we’ve ever experienced.

Radical Re-imagining

During this time of Covid-19 we were first introduced to the experience of radical perspective change. Sure in sci-fi books we might have read about something like a virtual stop to “normal” societal day-to-day activity, but living it? Living it has been surreal. It has been a blessing. It has been a curse. The days go quickly; the months pass so very slowly. So much is unknown. So many of our structural security blankets and cultural “perks” have gone away.

Now, I think how this time of Covid has been perfect as a training ground for what is now unfolding and will continue to unfold. Change with a capital C.

We have already been introduced to how reality can be flipped in a way that few of us could have imagined. So perhaps we can now better imagine radical change aligned to a higher level of human consciousness. As old limits fall away from our collective mental construct of what reality is, then what?

Defund the police

I could not have imagined widespread support for police forces having their budgets decreased so our communities could finally, truly address structural societal issues like racism and homelessness and drug problems from a higher perspective.

How long we have looked away from these problems, refusing to really deal with them in a helpful and holistic manner that takes all players into consideration? How long have we assumed that the prevailing power structure cannot be changed?

Now we must look, really look and reimagine what is possible. Defund the police. Disarm racism. Because, now it seems, anything is possible! This is co-creating and learning at a higher level. This is not the same old learning curve. This is warp-speed change and progress. This is the time to create something new while all is up in the air. We choose what falls back into place – the status quo or life reimagine fully.

People Powered Potential

Now we see that true integrity and courage lies with the people and not with the institutions. In fact, it is the citizens of color who are able to hold their ground even as police brutality makes the point of institutionalized racism for them. They can no longer be taken off point.

We all must stay on point. We must all sense into the collective radical imagination of what is possible for human interaction and human equality. This is the collective work and play we are about now.

There seem to be forces, in nature, in the universe that support this radical shifting of the old into something whole and new. The preparation for the new opportunities arising is indeed shocking and surprising, but exciting, too. Even the intentional change-makers are finding their footing in this new dynamic. We are each finding out how adaptable and resilient we are. Can we pivot our skills, talents, and focused energy toward the new with grace and inclusiveness? Can we see where we might be needed that we didn’t see before?

Reshaping Human Potential as a Collective

Now humanity is being re-shaped. We are human evolution and it is like we are clay once more — in a way that is more visible than ever before. What is possible for us as co-creators? What higher learning can we embrace? What new, unfamiliar, upside-down perspectives will we allow as we enter the field of radical imagination? Are we willing to try them on? Can crises and chaos be seen as new doorways to the new shape of love and equality?

If we can let go of what we thought we knew about human evolution — its pace and the likelihood of its progress in our lifetime —  then what? Can we expand our consciousness enough to ground our new playing field of radical imagination into manifested reality?

I am feeling very hopeful for humanity. I hope you do, too. These are the kinds of leaps in possibility that should engage us all. Now. This Moment.

Melissa Wadsworth is a change agent and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.





Racism and the Ongoing Game of Collective White Co-Dependency

collective manifestationI lived it in my family — the dynamic of co-dependent dysfunction. The violence and frustration of the white man supposedly in charge. The suppressed compassion for others because of the collective lie that “everyone has it bad”. The attitude that life isn’t fair, so why mess with the Darwinic justice system of life? The turning a blind eye to injustices (within the family dynamic and in the world) so that things could continue as they were. Even when that “continuing” meant more dysfunctional co-dependency agreements and more dysfunctional and selfish patterns of behavior that hurt people within and without.

Collective White Co-dependency

Now, I am able to clearly see this pattern in America. We are the ultimate dysfunctional “Union.” Co-dependency is a game that white society plays, no matter the effect on people of color in our society. Our patterns of behavior are horrific. We will shield any wrong action by a white person as long as the white-power patriarchal paradigm holds — not all cops are bad, not all judges are power hungry, not all politicians are bought and paid for, not all priest are molesters, not all men are rapists, and the list goes on and on. White society will even sacrifice its children to this co-dependent game. And, most of all, society will make daily offerings of POC to the insatiable monster of co-dependency in all our societal, cultural and business structures.

All white people participate in Collective Co-dependence in various ways. Here a few that come to mind:

  • We do it by thinking that we succeed at our jobs, and at life, merely because we work really hard. We refuse to equate what migrants do so we can have food on the table as the same kind of “hard work.” We rarely really look at how easy our path to success was and is, and how hard for others. It makes us feel too culpable.
  • We participate in white co-dependency by “keeping the peace,” and by not speaking up to our relatives, friends, co-workers and local governments, when we see injustice and racism in our midst. It’s just too uncomfortable and we want to protect our membership in our families, our networks of friends, our companies, our communities. So often we don’t want to chance becoming the target of negative attention, so we “tip toe” around the offensive racists and bullies. We turn a blind eye to the systemic issues.
  • We participate in white co-dependency by not checking in with our own biases and prejudice. We are all conditioned by our racist and sexist systems. It is the polluted water we swim in. All of us need to look at our own shadow aspects in order to bring this awareness to the surface, rather than pretending it doesn’t affect us. None of us are apart from it.
  • We participate in collective co-dependency by not objecting to local and national systems and institutions that favor us and disfavor POC. We keep hoping for the hero out there that will change things, without us having to step forward to be that hero.
  • We let POC risk their bodies for the rights they should inherently have. We saw this with the protests in Birmingham, and the Native American protests against big oil de-spoiling their waterways. And, we do this even as we shake our heads and agree “this isn’t right.” It is time that we risked more.
  • We don’t adequately appreciate and vocalize how much diversity benefits our world. The Native Americans model how to live with nature and protect our most valuable natural monuments like the Grand Canyon and Monument Valley. People of color developed America’s most original music form: jazz. Without diversity we would be bland, inter-bred and eventually sterile. Let’s celebrate this more.
  • We let POC be the scapegoats-focus of white dysfunction, anger, and domination. We think, “thank God it isn’t me,” just like the child who’s sibling gets all the negative attention from an abusive parent. We feel guilt and shame about it. Many of our own families have taught us how to respond. Distract yourself. Ignore it. Learn to justify the way it is, and never tell anyone about the family’s dirty secrets. Well, America’s dirty secrets are fully out and will continue to come out. How will we process what we’ve tried to not see for so long. What actions will we take in support of our brothers and sisters?

The micro is reflected in the macro. We are grown up. America is grown up now and it needs to start acting more mature. We need to do more to help ourselves and others to heal and to step out of the sick co-dependent dynamic so rife in our society with horrific consequences. With more clarity we can be more intentional about the America we are creating together. We can begin by being more intentional, more sensitive to the treatment of all our brothers and sisters.

It is way past time for us to step forward and engage new systems that work for the Whole. We must look at our individual roles in perpetuating this collective co-dependency. We must become collectively conscious. Only then can anyone truly be free to experience what it is like to belong to a truly functional human family. It may be our only chance to do this in our lifetime.

Melissa Wadsworth is a change agent and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.


Conversation on Voices of Women about COVID-19 and What We Are Learning During this Crisis

Some things we discussed:

  • What creative potentials are being expressed?
  • How can we be more gentle with ourselves during this time of crisis?
  • What place does curiosity and wonder have during the COVID time of isolation and restriction?

This is an optimistic conversation about how to use one’s focus to feel a greater sense of inner authority and a greater sense of collaboration and creative possibility.

How do you merge self-will with will to good?








The human struggle at this pivotal time of evolution of consciousness is how do we harmonize self will and the greater will to do good in the world, to be of service? How do we embody those aspects we wish to see flourish in the world – equality, diversity, abundance?

Just becoming aware that you can expand your will, that you can take a bigger picture view of any desire, goal or dream, will instantly help you manifest more than you imagine.

Be that holder of greater vision, of greater potential.

Collective Manifestation