Living the Virtue of Acceptance: An interview with Sarah Taylor

Sarah Taylor is the face of radiant acceptance.









I have always counted myself lucky to have met so many wonderful people in my life. Each friend has qualities that I admire and that the world needs to a great degree – like kindness, perseverance, creativity, integrity, imagination, compassion, open-mindedness, intuition, collaboration, understanding.

More and more I am understanding how each virtue, each value, that we each are able to embody personally has a huge influence on the collective.

Sarah Taylor fully embodies the gift of ACCEPTANCE. I think of it as one of her superpowers. A year and a half ago she was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer. Yet, she has not spent any time in fear about this. In fact, her first reaction was to feel grateful for her life.

In addition to gratitude, at each stage of this process she takes a “your never know what will happen next” approach to this diagnosis. She stays open to the possibility of miracles, while fully accepting that this current incarnation may be near it’s end. She is able to hold in balance within herself both possibility and probability with no apparent tension. No tears for herself, only for the sadness of friends and family as they deal with the possible loss of her physical presence.

Observing her moving through a tough diagnosis with such grace, I’ve come to see acceptance as her superpower. She is modeling how to be present rather than living in fear of the unknown, of her human mortality. She is showing friends and family how to be full of joy and love no matter what the circumstance. She is a testament to the idea that it’s not our outward circumstances that create our reality – rather it is our inward response to those circumstances that creates reality.

Human potential enthralls me and nothing is more wonderful than seeing it embodied with such love. I see Sarah in her wholeness as a beacon that those of us still holding fear can follow. She illuminates the safe core of acceptance.

I am imaging a world full of acceptance, full of such grace. What a difference that would make to our collective reality. No more fighting what is unfightable. No more judgements of what is different from you. No more angst around the unknowable. Self-love as the norm. Calm, joyful acceptance in the moment. Thank you Sarah for being a heart-centered teacher of the power of acceptance. Thank you Sarah for radiating your brilliance always.

Here is a link to our video conversation:

To learn more about Sarah’s remarkable journey go to her YouTube channel.

Be Here Now! – YouTube

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.

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