Awakening to Our Co-Creative Responsibility Means Getting Kicked Out of Paradise … Momentarily

This morning, like most mornings, I let the neighbor cat in. I held the cat lovingly, stroking its soft fur as it raised its face to me, exposing neck and chin for the ritual of me gently rubbing my nails … Continue reading

Collective Manifestation Case Study: Infusing Art with Healing Intention

Trophin’s Kidney-Kind® Founders Commission an Inspired Wellness Collection by Artist Melissa Wadsworth  London, England – April 2017 It’s not unusual for the business and art worlds to intersect. What is unusual is that in a quickly changing and often chaotic … Continue reading

The Most Important Manifestation Tip for the New Year 2016

The old childhood game the Hokey Pokey had one thing right – in any game, including the game of life, it’s important to take one step at a time, and to know what each of your feet and hands are … Continue reading


A World Without Money Video

Michael Tellinger of the South Africa-based Ubuntu Liberation Movement explains the basic premise for his extraordinary vision for a world that works effectively and creates abundance for all — a world without money.


As Tellinger says, “Out of unity comes infinite diversity and abundance.”

The moneyless society he envisions and is taking steps to create is based on “contributionism.” People freely contribute a few hours a week of their talent and skills to help produce what the community needs. His framework is based on sacred geometry and the idea that small towns and communities will lead the way to producing three times what they need, so that they can help other towns and communities meet their needs.

For more information about how the transition to a moneyless society that creates true human prosperity, go to

This is the kind of Collective Manifestation that is possible. I’m always inspired by the bold vision I see around me. People are starting liberation movements undaunted by the task ahead. People like Michael Tellinger are driven by passion and their refusal to let a dysfunctional status quo run by greed and fear imprison the human spirit.

Another interesting article on the end of capitalism:

Melissa Wadsworth is the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.

What to do when worry overwhelms you!

Worry, worry. Sometimes it’s overwhelming. We see everything that is going wrong in the world. We worry about changes and all that is unknown in our personal lives. We worry about our future, about children and their future. We desire … Continue reading


Favorite The Magic That Is Needed to Change the Collective Narrative

This is a  wonderful short video featuring Sufi mystic and teacher Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee. He speaks very gently about the need to change humanity’s narrative, a narrative of earthly destruction and the entrancement of consumerism. The new story he speaks to is about inner entrancement that can match the pull of our outer entrancement. Significant change in the outer world must start by connecting to the magic of our inner world.

Please watch and enjoy.

This is a message I speak to in Collective Manifestation. I include five paths to intuitive knowing to encourage readers to develop the ability to play with manifestation from the unseen world of energy, focused from their heart-mind. As long as we push pieces around on the surface of life, there will be power plays and competition for what is “seen.” By delving into the connected abundance of our inner worlds we can come into collaboration and into high creativity to address our global issues and to bring magic into our lives.

Much love and light, Melissa

Melissa Wadsworth is an author, speaker, intentional community enthusiast, and change catalyst. The founder of Brilliance Unlimited and New Village 22, Melissa has dedicated her life to exploring consciousness, expanding spirit-driven creativity and fostering authentic co-leaders. Read the first chapter of her book at, Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community.

What Energy Do You Hold For the Good of All?

As consciousness expands throughout humanity, we each hold a piece of the collective frequency — the energy that opens us to layer upon layer of expanded understanding, presence, and consciousness. We each hold a piece of the collective energy that … Continue reading


How to keep techolonogy humble and in service to human evolution

I love this TedxSanMiguelAllende talk by “the Amish Futurist” Alexa Clay. She brings a fresh question to bear at a transformational time in human evolution: how do we maintain the innocent amazement of what technology can enable us to do AND be in service to the world, AND bring our heart and soul into experience and what we co-create. Important perspective that questions technology gods and asks us to balance the time we spend engaged with technology and the time we spend engaged with the world. Would love your reactions to this.