What liberations of energy can you name? Are you conscious of these liberations of your light throughout your lifetime?
Personal Liberations Feed the Collective Field
Energy, like everything in life builds, expands, reaches a tipping point, lands, and then begins to recede much life a wave that crashes onshore and then flows back into the ocean that is the source of all waves.
If we can look at our own ocean of experience and see the waves, we gain insight into the energy that is us.
Can you pinpoint times in your life where a certain kind of energy was released that opened you to an entirely new field of experience?
I recently looked at my life in nine-year periods and tried to recall key liberations during my life span. One that stood out in my mind was the great release of stress I experienced when I moved away from home to go to college. Though I did not realize it at first, this relocation of my physical form liberated me from the daily stress of living in a dysfunctional household. Such joy I was able to feel in this new state of Being!
Experiencing psychological therapy in my 30s was a further liberation of the stories that were trapped in my energetic field and needed release.
My 40s and 50s have seen further liberations from mass consciousness, from social conditioning around role-playing. Oh all the ways our energy is controlled, dampened and held down from true radiant potential! My awareness and intuition have repeatedly been liberated, layer by layer, to reveal to me new ways of seeing and expressing soul.
Choosing Liberations Brings About Change
What are the personal liberations you are experience or that you can choose? Now is a great time to more consciously consider your personal liberations.
As you, layer by layer, process energetic liberations, you feed the collective energy field. In essence, through personal growth and deeper understanding, you help to “tune up” or “rewrite” your energetic programming – the vibration from which you create or manifest your life.
This in turn helps to establish a new frequency in the collective field of co-creation. From that new frequency we are able to newly manifest in ways that were not possible in the old frequency.
Collective Liberations
Now is a great time to consciously be aware of our collective liberations. Some collective liberations are obvious. The “MeToo” wave of sexual harassment and sexual assault revelations, has brought about the liberation of shadow energy that had preyed on, and controlled women and children for centuries. This much needed release is still in motion, is still landing on the shores of collective consciousness. No longer can we not see this.
Trump and other international politicians are part of what feels like a very backward and upside down wave of energy – creating the sensation for many that we are tumbling in an energetic wave of corruption and greed.
Keep in mind though that this too is a liberation. We must collectively see and recognize all the ways in which we have ignored what has been present all along. This is not a comfortable liberating process, but it is indeed a kind of liberation from “behind the scenes” dealings that have gone on as long as politics has existed.
If we are to co-create a new and better world for ALL, then seeing the powerful release of all the no longer works for the many, can be experienced positively. Maybe not the most enjoyable of liberation, yet liberation nonetheless. Keep helping to bring a new manifesting frequency into play.
As we end this year, mindfully, consciously liberate you own energy.
- Liberate yourself from the glamour and distraction of the surface game of life. Sense into the unseen energy that gives birth to everything in the seen. There is truth there. Manifest your life from that.
- Liberate yourself from negative self-talk (just a bit anyway). Meditate. Journal. Write new stories of possibility for self and society. Manifest more consciously.
- Liberate yourself from societal role-playing that no longer fits, that makes you uncomfortable. Your precious energy matters. Focus on authentically presenting who you are. No longer pretend to be something you are not.
- Liberate yourself from values that you no longer relate to or resonate to. Tune into your new values and live those – manifest your life from that higher energy.
- Liberate yourself from the polarization game of “us” and “them.” We are ONE field. What group play could you take part in that affirms this? How powerfully could collective light shine?
- Liberate your creative self energy. New energy, needed energy, easily grounds through any creative process that enables the mind to take a break. Manifest a new world from a fresh frequency.
During this turbulent end to 2017, liberate your optimism. Let go of what hinders this energy from being felt and expressed. May all these liberations of love, hope and goodwill for all bring us into High Resonance Values and Vision for 2018.
Melissa Wadsworth is a futurist, artist and the author Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community. www.collectivemanifestation.com.
What we are experiencing is an immense wave of new energy blowing through the hearts and mind of humanity. The energetic troops have landed to assist humanity and we can all sing a song of freedom about that.
The Big 2017 Clean Up
The Women’s March first landed this new energy in our collective midst through millions of footsteps dedicated to showing up for something better than our last presidential election delivered. The Women’s March was but a signpost for what was to come. With Weinstein a “No More” energetic tipping point seems to have been reached, with all the spoken and unspoken abuses of children and women (and men) released in a domino fall of putrid toxicity.
First the dirt is seen, then the clean out follows. More is to come as immense waves of liberation continue to wash through the hearts and minds of us ALL like a collective rinse cycle. This collective wave of energy affects everyone. This is no witch hunt – the very name of which is a nod to burning women deemed uncontrollable. This is an energetic wave that brings to our high minds refreshed standards of how we treat one another. In our hearts we know humanity can do better. It takes these kinds of blasts of revelation, of forced SEEING and clearing for true evolution to occur.
This wash out of toxic masculinity points to the very real possibility of humanity no longer being drug through the mud of collective small-minded materialism, sexual abuse, and structural inequalities. There is much more “coming clean” to be done, yet humanity begins to glimpse a cleaner perception of the harm and trauma the old paradigm wrecked on us all.
How a New Energy Force Is Driving Change
We are experiencing the coming-to-Earth of Divine Feminine Energy. While this may indeed feel “alien” to us, this new energy holds the seeds of solving all the divides we now feel.
This is an emotional shift and release first, then a mental shift. This energy is about shifting out of societies dominated by doing, individual control, mass materialism and legislative and institutional power-over others. This new energy inspires creative engagement around birthing potential from inner strength, intuitive vision and heart-based initiative. This energy is strong and clear, inclusive and diversity-loving. This energy is the new guiding force of human nature. It reminds us that we are vehicles for change, for possibility, for sacred trust.
Needless to say, toxic masculinity and the patriarchy’s control systems are out of alignment with this energy. No longer can the dirt be hidden. The continued passing of legislation against women’s rights, human inequality and ethnic diversity in our communities is a sign of fear around this Divine Feminine energy.
Yet, this matter not, for where the patriarchy and those addicted to that dynamic had energetic support, they no longer do. Instinctively they are reacting to it in predictable ways. Namely, by manufacturing stinking propaganda, dirty lies, and bowel-based action that seeks to convince us that what is so old and so tired and dead already is new again. To not consciously want to be free of this collective shadow of B.S. is to stay stuck in the prisoner mindset that fears freedom, that fears taking responsibility for one’s liberation, and that resists stepping into the unknown.
Most of humanity is aware, at some level, that this energy wave is washing through. No matter individual levels of awareness or mass consciousness, collectively we are in receipt of Divine Feminine. Any attempt to hold onto toxic masculinity and patriarchal control dynamics is futile and no longer energetically supported.
The new wave of energy that has landed is not about female verses male. To stay stuck in an old narrative about what sex does or doesn’t have the power misses the point that the patriarchal franchise is being disbanded and we will soon have all new conversations. That time isn’t here yet, as the dirty laundry is still out to dry. But, I can see it from here.
From Old Dirty Gaming to Sacred Authenticity
This is a huge opportunity and transformation at all levels of human endeavor. At heart we are attracting something entirely new. This is a new play of collective empowerment in which there are no longer winners and losers.
All can step into greater realms of possibility that were formerly beyond imagining.
Repressed potential can surface. For to liberate women’s strength and power, is a liberation for all humans and a liberation of our collective potential.
Men and women are freshly being invited to be who they truly are beyond role-playing. Guided by Divine Feminine energy, that expands acceptance and allowing, I see a time when individual manifestations of brilliance are appreciated, without requiring anyone else needing to be quiet or to dim their own light.
Can you imagine a world in which we each stand to be seen and heard, without fear of judgment and danger? How different this will be from all the stress and worry that goes into trying to meet some random standard for good-enough-ness or in hiding from patriarchal retribution.
The new potential I glimpse is about women stepping into potential beyond old second-class citizen role playing. At the same time men are able to step beyond (conscious and unconsciously) small-minded, paternalistic subversion of women and their contributions. What a waste of precious possibility this has been. Out damn spot, get out!
As individuals hold the frequency of their true power, as groups assert the promise and potential of true collaboration, as collective consciousness expands beyond the small mind of glamour and petty power-plays, a new reality emerges.
This shift is a vital lesson for humanity. If we didn’t already know it, we are reminded that invisible energy manifests the structure we realize in the SEEN. It is always energy first that brings about change. It is energy behind the scenes that holds the power of transformation and evolution. So even as it may appear all is crazy chaotic on the surface, behind surface life is a cohesive force that is good for all.
I truly believe that our collective frequency holds the seeds of possibility we long for. Awareness, intention, vision, and play in the collective HEART field is key to the manifestation of a new and better world.
Keep releasing the old, for the new, for the better, for what is Beyond Mind but Held in the ONE Heart
As the old stuff gets triggered for release, notice how you emotionally react or respond. Do not confuse personal fear with truth. Just because you experience fear, does not mean that what you are reacting to is a bad thing or ineffective or that change shouldn’t be happening. The Women’s March, the Weinstein effect, and other cascading events are pushed into reality by unspoken collective desire and by evolutionary winds of change beyond our comprehension. The triggering event itself (which can be surprising or confusing) creates the opportunity for energetic expression and emotional release. This is a washing through of suppressed and repressed trauma. Given all that humanity has inflicted on itself and the world, opportunities for us to collectively come clean are priceless.
Keep aware what energy you contribute to any manifestation-in-process. Be aware that we each must first do our own processing and integration, even as events unfold in the collective field of reality.
Most of us haven’t a clue what dynamics are really at play in the collective manifestation. We can only guess as far as our current consciousness can take us. So the mystery of life and our part in that remains highly mysterious. Just keep choosing your contribution to collective conscious. Do you intend love or fear?
I am seeing the following qualities and values being liberated due to the current cleansing wave of energy around patriarchal misogyny and toxic masculinity:
- Amplification of individual authenticity. No holding back or dimming one’s light, one’s wholeness. The radiance of new values are needed. As women (and men) step up to speak out, men need to listen and to come clean about past behavior. This can be liberating for everyone. We can all expand in consciousness, integrity and authenticity.
- Movement toward true intimacy. As we progress, we create more safe societal space. We collectively may experience a sense of true belonging, of wholeness that was impossible previously under the “don’t say anything” code that kept women afraid to speak out and men silent in their support of women. Now we can be truer allies, we can practice true consent. I highly recommend reading this article by Laurie Penny to learn what true consent is and how we can all expand our consciousness around this topic that is so vital to both authenticity and true intimacy.
- Appreciation for women’s gifts, leadership and participation. The time for playing small is done. Women are sensing the sea change. This inspires many to devote themselves to being of service and to being a force of possibility. Women will no longer hold back their true fierceness or any other aspect that is authentic and of service.
- Respectful and effective group collaboration and participation. The new energy is multi-dimensional rather than linear. It is horizontal expansion and vertical growth. This supports group expansion and diversity. This supports multi-layered participation. As individual ego-driven leadership crumbles along with archetypes like the lone hero, the collective power of group consciousness comes to the fore. We long to contribute to something meaningful, to make a difference using our skills and abilities, to interact maturely and with enthusiasm. We are newly learning how to play respectfully.
- Collective Consciousness harmony. As uncomfortable as some people are feeling during this transitional phase of human development, it becomes easier to believe that we will get the chance to be new, fully-realized humans. This takes courage on everyone’s part. Hopefully, we will not be afraid of this potential. No one gets left behind as long as we are willing to stand in our truth and believe in our indivisibility.
Simply existing is to hold a vibration necessary to the evolution of self, the collective, Earth and beyond. See the disintegration of old systems, old ways of behaving and thinking, for what they are:shadows of the past. The future is getting fresher and brighter by the minute.
Melissa Wadsworth is a visionary mentor, artist, and author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community. CollectiveManifestation.com for more info.
This astrology video for the September 2017 New Moon and the September 22, 2017 Autumnal Equinox is a potent blend of individual healing and getting ready to be of service to the Whole. Worth a listen if you’d like to be more aware of how you can be in alignment with pervasive energy and the evolution of your own truth as it emerges more and more.
Collective Manifestation by Melissa Wadsworth provides a vision in which fully-engaged individuals unite their unlimited potential to lead, create, connect, innovate and contribute to the whole of humanity for remarkable transformation and global change.
So much is in motion these past months. So much has come up for met to feel, process and release. And, new realizations arise weekly. Wow, just wow. Intense AND interesting times we live in!
There is no going backward. We are moving forward quickly. All aboard!
In these times of hotly debated political and social topics, it can feel energizing to be in reaction (at least for a brief moment). Our instinctive sense of outrage can feel righteous and invigorating. So what’s wrong with that? Nothing really, yet it is not optimal. It is old programming.
By immersing ourselves in outrage, by stopping at reaction, we are really lying to ourselves. We convince ourselves that reaction is doing something. Then instead of taking real action, we just get outraged over and over.
This is a trap. A clever trap of the mind, yet a trap nonetheless. It is a trap when it doesn’t evolve to something else – some new insight, some new passion, some new idea about what can be done.
Getting outraged once is great information. It tells us what we are for and what we are against. Getting outraged as a daily fix is a kind of addiction that doesn’t serve our highest good.
In reaction we often stay stuck in judgement. In reaction we may even call up prejudices and biases that limit the expression of our most evolved self (that we didn’t even know where there!). Being aware of these things is a good place to begin, a good place to mindfully Shift. Not a good place to stop.
Three Heart-Constricting and Contracting Aspects of Response:
Reaction limits expression of self.
Reaction is a vortex of emotion that spins, often without real resolution.
Reaction reinforces the sense of separation we feel from others.
Evolving Into “Now What?”
When you are triggered, Shift into response mode.
This is a good strategy whether you are triggered by politics or in your personal relationships. Response has more chance of expanding one’s consciousness and of raising one’s energetic vibration. This puts you in space of expanded heart and expanded personal potential. And, as we know, the personal is the collective. So expanded heart at the personal level empowers expanded heart potential in the collective consciousness field.
You hold more light as an intentionally thoughtful, reflective, and caring person. Instead of going into a contracted energy state, you SHIFT to become open to MORE! More creative possibilities can then appear in your consciousness field. More compassion can appear. More love of others can emerge.
As long as you are contracted energetically in reaction, in outrage and such – you are outside your true Self – that Self that hold the keys for transforming whatever you are in reaction to!
Response requires a pause. A breath. Often a deep breath that expresses “Okay, I see that, I feel that…Now what do I wish to do?”
And in that pause after the stimulus there lies the opportunity for meaningful action. Response involves real choice rather than merely experiencing a hijacked emotional state.
Once engaged and centered we can choose our “Now What?” even if the choice is that there is nothing that needs to be done except disengage from the negativity.
Response allows you to choose where to focus your precious energy in a way that brings out your experience, your gifts, and your light into play. In response you can decide not to take things so personally/ You can choose to take an empowering step or even set an INTENTION for how you’d like to respond in the future.
Three Heart-Expanding and Opening Aspects of Response:
Response makes more room for your more soulful self to show up.
Response allows the heart to unveil a bigger picture at play.
Response empowers the heart-linked-mind to choose effective action.
Reaction is part of the SURFACE Game of Life that is in play around us. It is the epitome of polarization. Us against Them. In this game there are no real winners. This is a true swamp where our energies go down the drain. We are so done with this centuries-old game – it’s illusionary aspects become obvious day after day.
Response is part of the DEEPER Reality Creation – that which we are birthing into being through consciousness. This deeper reality is infused with greater awareness, compassion, creativity and love. From response we direct our energy from a sense of self-empowerment. We are victims no longer, no matter the lingering narratives that linger in the Surface Game of Life.
In this new game of DEEPER Reality Creation we no longer give our inner or outer authority away. We see how everything is an energy pattern of mental, emotional, and physical expression. We see our options. We embrace our responsibility for acting from our better nature.
So what is the energy pattern you’d like to act from?
If you can choose the new energy pattern that IS an expression of the optimal you, What Does That Look Like? What will you be modeling for others? Can you envision it?
These are indeed intense and interesting times. Much of what we are experiencing is highly challenging. Please know that I walk this path with you. I do my own processing around challenges. I have to make choices that align me to growth. None of this is easy.
If you make one choice leading up to the August Eclipse, may it be the choice to focus on the goodness in the world and to then consider all the grand and small ways in which you CAN make a difference. Usually, opportunities are right in front of us when we aren’t distracted, emotionally hijacked or physically overwhelmed.
Try to enjoy the challenges as you more and more speak up as your authentic self. I love you all so much.
Melissa Wadsworth is a visionary mentor, artist, and author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Creating Intentional Community. CollectiveManifestation.com for more info.
This is one of the most authentic speeches I have ever seen. In which all barriers to individual privacy, to remaining invisible, are removed in order to serve others. As Lana Wachowski says, the reality we imagine into one room that is full of love, acceptance, and support, that is inclusive, protective and full of possibility can then gain us access to other rooms of reality that were previously unimaginable, unreachable.
One person at a time, one family at a time, one peer group at a time, one community at a time, we grow and evolve by holding more space, energetic space and actual physical space, for love to flourish. One acceptance point, one acknowledgment point, one open-armed point at a time, we welcome the MORE that is possible. Through each heart-based perspective we ground greater, more expansive reality on the Earth grid. Then this is the new matrix of reality that becomes One World holding more love than ever thought possible. For it is not the mind that holds true expansive potential. It is the heart.
The Individual Heart Beats Into Collective Reality
The heart is a muscle capable of immense expansion. Only as the heart expands can we evolve out of fear-based reality into love-based reality. Let’s choose to end the game of fear, lack, and hate divisiveness. Let’s fully engage the game of courage, plenty, and love inclusiveness
As we intentionally, consciously breath into heart the fresh oxygen of faith, compassion, our willingness to SEE, our care for nurturing the wide spectrum of diverse humankind-hood, only then will what we envision as mental pictures reflect positively what is truly possible on Earth and Beyond.
Perhaps we can then cease waiting for the other shoe to drop, the monster to come out of the shadows, the other side to turn on us. Finally, perhaps, we will learn to trust ourselves, reveal our own demons, and stop loathing ourselves.
At heart we hold the power of acceptance for all expressions of self, race, sex and gender. At heart we RECEIVE what can BE and what we can collectively BECOME. At heart is where we nurture real possibility, fantastic imaginings of wonder and the truth of our divine nature. At heart all meets as One in a field of electric potential.
Heart-Based Sacrifice Equals Collective Love Bounty
What can each of sacrifice personally so that others can better thrive in this world?
Will we sacrifice comfort (physical, emotional, or mental) in order to expand into LOVE? Will we allow the discomfort of giving up an aspect of privilege so that someone less privileged can become more equal? What sacrifice do we invite so that we can then integrate the larger heart light that we carry? Will we accept how all discomfort is an invitation, a kind of welcome mat to our Higher, more gracious and loving Selves?
Seeing one person like Lana Wachowski expand outside her comfort zone is living the expanded heart truth so wisely expressed by her teacher who said to her: “Some things we do for ourselves; some things we do for others.”
We are here to be honest with ourselves and authentic within the collective. We are here to manifest for self development and to collectively manifest for collective consciousness expansion and to awaken to a new matrix of possibility.
Melissa Wadsworth is a futurist, artistic visionary, and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Intentional Community, www.CollectiveManifestation.com
Our reality is going through a deep restructuring. This can be experienced as many things.
- You flow between the known and unknown. The day can begin in a familiar way and suddenly you feel lost or disorientated.
- You may lose track of what day it is (like the days of the week have lost their meaning).
- You may no longer be inspired by a key organizing thread of your life like your career, a major relationship, or what you thought of as your defining goals
- “What’s next” may feel just beyond your reach.
Many of us are collectively shaking our heads at where reality seems to be headed. Yet, fear not! All unfolds perfectly.
As cultural and economic system change-maker Charles Einsenstein says in the Findhorn Foundation film Humanity’s New Story, “It’s all perfect, including your perception that it’s all terribly wrong.”
During this deep restructuring of ourselves and life as we know it, awareness and observation enable you to discern what is freshly inspiring you.
Conscious choices are powerful. Collectively, conscious choice become conscious energy structures that tell a new story our hearts are aligned to.
What conscious choices and preferences would like to see integrated into a new narrative of how the world works?
My idea of heaven is global realization that in each new moment we are co-creating new cultural realities and new societal structures that inherently benefit all.
As an active co-creator of our new world, remember that we manifest via personal vibration that is interwoven into collective frequency. Together we co-create in a United Frequency Field. So we should be taking responsibility and great care about our contributions to that field.
Let’s bring it! With clear intension let’s plant seeds of:
- love and joy
- compassion and forgiveness
- wonder and curiosity
- awareness and discernment
- vision and intuition
- imagination and creativity
- invention and innovation
- freedom and equality
- authenticity and transparency
- diversity and inclusion
These are the hallmarks of the new energy we receive, integrate and embody.
This new creative energy is the antithesis of the patriarchal energy that programmed our former small-mind selves.
The manifesting energy we now play with is aligned to heart wisdom, to healing, to the hunger to be seen wholly and completely as we are, in each moment. This new manifesting energy can birth heart desires, and help us realize the greatness of humanity as it fulfills it’s true potential
Now, as each of us grow into our pure, expanded, heart-based authentic Self, we each become renegades of fresh thoughts and inclinations. Fresh inspiration fuels creativity like never before.
Creativity, in all its forms, is expanding and shifting in our collective experience of life. Creativity is what is necessary to bridge us from one reality system to a new experience of reality. Creativity is innovation and inventiveness, whimsy and cleverness, collaboration and co-leadership. Creativity enables new combinations of interest like art and science to intersect for a more thriving planet.
Even people who have led creative lives are changing the focus of their creativity — inspired to bring in something different — a different vibration that is needed at this time of transition. Exciting stuff! You are part of what is driving this dynamic mix.
So practice deep listening. Listen to yourself and to others. Notice what newly arises on your radar. Play with all the ways you might be open to living your new blueprint.
Melissa Wadsworth is a futurist, artistic visionary, and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Intentional Community, www.CollectiveManifestation.com
I recommend this film from the Findhorn Foundation that explores the new story for humanity that we are weaving from our understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings, of all things. http://newstoryhub.com/film/watch/
A New Story for Humanity Official Trailer 1 from Findhorn Foundation on Vimeo.
So many points of wisdom in this film. I highly recommend it for anyone who believes we each have a role in co-creating a better world of wholeness and well-being for all. As we co-create the story that we live into, let us all lead with love.
Some of the deep heart wisdom and new questions shared in this New Story Film:
- Will we let diversity shape our world view?
- Being lost is training for being in the unknown
- I get to re-decide right know what my purpose is
- We don’t create a movement, a movement creates us…it moves on its own and moves us
- Grief fuels the passion for a better world
- We need low-tech twists on technology
- Time is not running out; time is coming
- Money is not key…Life is the defining value
- We can walk away from “the king”…show we are not interested
- Society needs the intelligence of citizen support, not spying
- The subtle realms are part of greater nature…we can find allies here
- Start to create the world you want with the people you know
- Align to a purpose greater than the ego
- Earth has a right to life
- Young people are looking for grandparents, not parents, who can show the ceremony and initiation
- Beauty incorporated into science will help us co-create a thriving life
- There are no national interests, only interests of Earth…of humanity
Melissa Wadsworth is a futurist, artistic visionary, and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Intentional Community, www.CollectiveManifestation.com
Collective Manifestation at all levels of being
I’ve often talked about how manifestation is both an unseen and seen process. All that ever comes into physical reality first exists as a sacred seed of inspiration, a divine intention, a blessed opportunity. It comes from within first! It is ENERGY!
Humanity embodies an immense power to prevail, persevere and shift perspective so that we are rightly empowered. Yet how we do that will be different from one person to the next. Even people who vote the same, will have different perspectives and different ways to approach both personal change and changing the world for the better.
Activism On the Rise
More and more people are asking what they can do to change the world for the better. As people feel inspired to make change, let’s stop demanding that everyone be an activist in the same way. This is not going to happen and it greatly limits what is possible to change. Protesting is not the only type of activism, even it seems like the most visible type.
People are not suddenly going to lose all the diverse ways that they prefer to approach life. This is a good thing. Let us set the intention to be ONE of heart while manifesting and being of service to evolved consciousness in the way this most natural to each of us and our skills.
Identify and appreciate your activism style during his powerful transition time of collective col-creation and collective manifestation.
- Some people are mental paradigm change-makers. Often these are intellectual stewards who are dedicated to creating alternate social structures and bringing about evolved social design blueprints that will take the place of the old social structures now falling apart. There is much already happening in new economies and new heart-based coalitions led by the intention to transform old social, educational, political structures from hierarchal structures to collaborative and cooperative structures. These are also life coaches and work trainers who help others see their expanded potential. Paradigm change-makers are the co-creators of new mental foundations for positive change (air element). They help evolve our collective thinking.
- Some people are inclined be bridge-builders. These are the people willing to take the first step to talk to someone who appears to represent an opposite views. They will dialogue with the intention of gaining more understanding about alternate perspectives. They are those of you willing to believe the best in people and willing to initiate conversations, relationships and programs that support this core belief in the goodness of people, and a belief in our commonalities. This includes mediators, therapists, and process leaders — anyone who takes a kind and considerate approach to their relationships.These are the co-creators of new relationship (emotional) foundations for positive change (water element). They help us collectively evolve emotionally.
- Some people are action activists. For these people nothing less than taking overt action will do. Marches, protests, and mobilizing. These are our community members who will be the first to physically show up in support of a cause, a belief, an idea or a group of people. These people enjoy the comradery and shared experience that action creates. Here in Seattle a Women’s March is scheduled for January 21st in unity with the Women’s March happening in D.C. on the same day. Just imagine the power of such united events. Activists are the co-creators of seen physical changes (earth element). They help us to evolve the effects of our collective actions.
- Some people are natural consciousness activators and energy healers. These people understand that all that manifests in seen reality begins in unseen energy. By creating sacred practices, coherent group activities, and global consciousness projects, these people lay the energetic ground for a new unified field. Such people see both the crap that needs to be released as well as appreciate how to ground new consciousness by holding energetic space for new possibilities to emerge. Higher consciousness activators and healers may be religious, they may be artists of all kinds that inspire others, they may influence the health of various physical systems as energy workers. What they have in common is their ability to act invisibly or in the subtle realms (which often goes unrecognized and under appreciated for the good of the whole). These are the co-creators of unseen energetic foundations for positive change (fire element).
Of course, within our individual bodies we all help to ground in mental, emotional, physical and energetic change. So be gentle with yourself and others as we practice believing in ourselves as the seeds of change from which all creation possibilities emerge.
We will no longer wait to see what those “at the top” will do. This is a huge global perspective change that greatly changes how collective manifestation emerges.
Take a breath. It will take time to get used to a non-hierarchal paradigm because the outer world is still playing along as if it still exists. It does not.
Trust that you will be inspired to participate in the new blueprint we are co-birthing. It will be enough as long as you are willing to be of service, willing to believe you are built for these changing times, and willing to engage reality from the inside out and from the bottom up — like an amazing plant that keeps forever growing in its love capacity! Keep believing in humanity’s growth.
Melissa Wadsworth is a futurist, artistic visionary, and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Intentional Community, www.CollectiveManifestation.com
This morning, like most mornings, I let the neighbor cat in. I held the cat lovingly, stroking its soft fur as it raised its face to me, exposing neck and chin for the ritual of me gently rubbing my nails and finger pads along the sides of the cat’s face. This cat would be content to stay in my arms, to make a home there where petting is the rule, where safety always seems to just be. Yet, at some point the cat grows heavy and must be set down.
So on these mornings, as I put the cat down, he complains with a plaintive meow, sometimes not wanting to let go his claws attached to my sweater. This morning I had the thought, “He objects to being kicked out of paradise.” Does that mean it is better to never experience paradise or is getting kicked out the price for existence of heaven on Earth?
I suddenly saw the similarity to human life. We humans also complain loudly each time we are kicked out of paradise. This paradise is the setting where change in natural. Each day we have a new awakening, a realization, and that is the moment we are kicked out of the paradise of remaining asleep, of things remaining exactly the same.
These mini-awakenings are the shock of realizing things are not as we thought them to be. Then the social narrative we live begins to fall apart piece by piece, and the sanctuary of placid belief drops its hold. This is necessary for humans to see more of the big picture, for humans to perceive their greater part, their clear responsibility, in the co-creation of Heaven on Earth. This is how we take up new threads of reality.
Being kicked out of paradise is like that moment when we realize that all politics are corrupt; not just the other side, our side, too. Yeoweeee! we complain, taking a swipe at someone else thinking that will ameliorate our pain. “If only I can make someone in the wrong for me needing to wake up I will feel better,” we each subconsciously tell ourselves. We act out like children then who want to continue to play a game (chosen or not in our case), even when we see the game threatens so many humans and beings of nature, in fact Earth’s ability to hold us, to hold human life.
Yet, it is a new day. We can no longer afford to play the same game. We can wake up to the many ways that children are actually bringing in the energy of the narrative we are here to take up. We can wake up to the possibility of letting go our resistance to what needs to change.
For what will happen if Earth stops petting humanity? What will happen when the load of humanity becomes too heavy and must be put down?
Can humanity see that it needs to grow up and realize that being held means taking a role in protecting the heaven on Earth that is enjoyed?
When will collective consciousness reach that point if agreement that the awakenings are the new bliss? The awakenings that are part painful for what must be left behind offer new ideas of security and divinity. These we must be open to and embrace as the new narrative.
Never are we truly left out in the cold; it is merely momentary disruption of our comfort zones.
Our individual and collective comfort zones we must learn to leave in order to ENGAGE what is newly real and possible.
It is then that humanity can take up the bliss of living as aware co-creative beings who experience the disorientation and the joy of leaving what is known for the unknown, because we understand it beckons just as potently for us to enjoy if we but listen to the calls of our collective ONE heart.
Melissa Wadsworth is a futurist, artistic visionary, and the author of Collective Manifestation: Heart-Centered Blueprints for Intentional Community, www.CollectiveManifestation.com