Decoding Your Dream Board
“We do the best we can with what we know, and when we know better, we do better.”
– Maya Angelou
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Decoding Basics
When you look at your dream board always just appreciate the flow of images. These images represent your soul energy and your life journey at this moment.
Decoding questions you may ask yourself:
- What is the significance of layered visuals? Do they combine to form a particular theme?
- What is the significance of the placement of your visuals. Do they build vertically or horizontally? What might that indicate? What is the relationship of the photos to each other?
- What do certain images symbolize? Free associate: is there a particular phrase that comes to mind related to a visual?
- Are any of the colors you’ve chosen for the background paper or that are dominant in the visuals significant? What does the color represent?
- If an animal shows up, what does that mean to you? Books like Animal Speak by Ted Andrews can provide insights for you to consider.
- What do the words are phrases relate to in your life? Do they inform a particular part of your life? Are they a general directive or encouragement?
- What title would you give to your dream board? Quickly, from an intuitive place, title your dream board. This might help bring a central idea to light.
- Does your dream board inspire you to take an action? Perhaps the dream board inspires an affirmation. If a specific action is being shown to you, consider what steps will help you incorporate that action into your life.
Date your dream board. This can help you get a sense for how long you move through a particular phase in your life. It will also give you an idea of your manifesting timing — how long it takes different for things pictured on your dream board to manifest. Keep in mind the Law of Gestation: sometimes we know how long something takes to come into being and sometimes we can’t know, we can only plant the seed and nurture it with action.
Title: Going Out on A Limb for Romance Dream Board
(copyright Melissa Wadsworth 1999). I met my husband a year later.
Your dream boards evolve as you evolve
If you do this process on a regular basis, you will notice things such as:
- Repeated symbols – when you begin to understand your symbols you begin to understand the language of the soul. You realize to a greater degree what you are drawn to — what “speaks” to you — and what is deeply meaningful to you.
- Repeated messages – depending on whether or not you take your dream board’s advice (and integrate something new that is helpful to your evolution and personal transformation) you may see recurring messages. I get lots of messages about sitting in contemplation and meditation. Apparently, those are steps/tools that continue to be helpful for me and I need to be reminded of this!
- Repeated mystery – Don’t worry about knowing what every single element on your dream board represents. This is part of the practice of acceptance and inviting grace into your life. You will learn what you can know in the present moment and that’s enough. Have patience with yourself. When you’re ready, you will easily and naturally know more. Keep it simple. Don’t push too hard. Stay happily curious about how it will show up in your life.
Keep Creating!
Intuitive dream boards always show you fresh information. You may get a repeating symbol that tells you to continue focusing on something important to your success, but there will be new stuff, too. We’re always changing at an energetic level (behind-the-scenes/seen) and the dream boards reflect that — despite how slow things may seem to move on our dense physical plane.
Regular dream board creation affirms your creative, intuitive, divine nature. Once a month is great for a larger dream board with six or more images combined. Smaller dream board with one to three images are great for checking in with your progress each week. These should take no more than five to ten minutes, if you keep a folder of pictures that have attracted your attention. Keep it simple.
You are much more than you “think” or any set of challenging circumstances. Now you have an intuitive tool that can shift your perspective from struggle and lack of confidence to excitement for the magic of your life! I hope you’ll take advantage of being able to plainly see that the Universe supports and celebrates your progress. You are meant to grow and evolve. This process lets you do that by reasserting your creative genius. It’s not about being artist. It’s about learning to see and believe what is true. Believing is seeing, again and again that you are your own best resource.
Thank you so much for engaging in this journey.
In love and radiance,
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Manifesting with Dream Board Magic! Copyright 2009-2017 Melissa Wadsworth